Considering the Cinema Ep. 080: The Weekly Watchlist – Sooner or Later, Everyone Who Loves Film Criticism Comes to Kauffmann

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 080: The Weekly Watchlist – Sooner or Later, Everyone Who Loves Film Criticism Comes to Kauffmann

Hello again, and welcome to Considering the Cinema’s THE WEEKLY WATCHLIST! Here in Episode 080, your affable hosts — Jason Pyles, Mack Robins and Dave Becker — will bring you discussions of what they have been thinking about pertaining to cinema and enjoying lately from their own, personal watchlists. For instance, Jay talks about film critic Stanley Kauffmann and a couple of intriguing documentaries; Mack discusses his journal entry that explains why he loves movies, as well as some interesting made-for-TV fare; and Dave gets to work by watching three of Mack’s very highly recommended films! Join us!

Note: This episode was recorded in September of 2024, and it released on Jan. 26, 2025.

THE WEEKLY WATCHLIST is the type of episode where we simply talk about whatever we’ve been watching lately from our own, personal watchlists. Here’s how it works: Jay, Mack and Dave have zero “movie-watching homework.” We are completely free each week to watch whatever we want from any era, year, genre, country, etc! We can finally go through our own personal watchlists and catch up with the films we’ve been meaning to see. So, every week will be vastly different. Let us know what you think of this format.

Jay of the Dead also hosts a WEEKLY HORROR MOVIE PODCAST with Mister Watson at Horror Movie And of course, every Horror fan should check out Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies, The Gold Standard of Horror Movie Podcasts.

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jay, Mack and even Dr. Shock at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 079: The Weekly Watchlist – I Control the Alligator

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 079: The Weekly Watchlist – I Control the Alligator

“I’ve done dirty things in my life, but I wouldn’t plug someone in the back.” Welcome back to Considering the Cinema’s THE WEEKLY WATCHLIST episode with Jason Pyles, Mack Robins and Dave Becker, though you may know them as Jay of the Dead, Mackula and Dr. Shock. Here in Episode 079, Dave discusses some Criterion Collection documentaries; Jason tackles some ’90s and 2000s Action Sci-Fi movies; and Mack explores some films pertaining to the Olympics. In addition to Dave discussing the 40th anniversary of the Criterion Collection, Mack falls into a weird rabbit hole of learning more about the films of “Leni” Riefenstahl, and the guys have a quick little chat about film colorization (without tipping over the entire boat). Join us!

Note: This episode was recorded on Aug. 15, 2024, and it released on Jan. 9, 2025.

THE WEEKLY WATCHLIST is the type of episode where we simply talk about whatever we’ve been watching lately from our own, personal watchlists. Here’s how it works: Jay, Mack and Dave have zero “movie-watching homework.” We are completely free each week to watch whatever we want from any era, year, genre, country, etc! We can finally go through our own personal watchlists and catch up with the films we’ve been meaning to see. So, every week will be vastly different. Let us know what you think of this format.

Jay of the Dead also hosts a WEEKLY HORROR MOVIE PODCAST with Mister Watson at Horror Movie And of course, every Horror fan should check out Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies, The Gold Standard of Horror Movie Podcasts.

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jay, Mack and even Dr. Shock at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 076: The Weekly Watchlist – A Finite Number of Films

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 076: The Weekly Watchlist - A Finite Number of Films

Apologies for missing last week’s release; we had an editing issue that we hope is now resolved. Here is Episode 076 of THE WEEKLY WATCHLIST for Considering the Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting. During this show, you will hear from your hosts Jason Pyles (aka Jay of the Dead), Mack Robins (aka Mackula), and the esteemed host of The DVD Infatuation Podcast, Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker. Jason declares open season on “The Deer Hunter,” while Dave begins to revamp his Top 10 Movies of 1949 list. And Mack takes a closer look at the least popular movies on his IMDb list! Join us!

Note: This episode was recorded on July 31, 2024, and it released on September 6, 2024.

THE WEEKLY WATCHLIST is the type of episode where we simply talk about whatever we’ve been watching lately from our own, personal watchlists. Here’s how it works: Jay, Mack and Dave have zero “movie-watching homework.” We are completely free each week to watch whatever we want from any era, year, genre, country, etc! We can finally go through our own personal watchlists and catch up with the films we’ve been meaning to see. So, every week will be vastly different. Let us know what you think of this format.

Jay of the Dead also hosts a WEEKLY HORROR MOVIE PODCAST with Mister Watson at Horror Movie And of course, every Horror fan should check out Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies, The Gold Standard of Horror Movie Podcasts.

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jay, Mack and even Dr. Shock at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 074: The Weekly Watchlist – Dye of the Tiger

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 074: The Weekly Watchlist - Dye of the Tiger

Is Deckard a replicant? What are some alternate ways to ingest objectively horrible candy? What are Mack’s personal safety recommendations for documentary filmmaking? And what were some of the Academy Award nominees celebrated from the year 1960? All of this and much more is answered here in Episode 074 of Considering the Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting. For this week’s edition of The Weekly Watchlist, your mercurial hosts, Jason Pyles (aka Jay of the Dead); his co-host, Mack Robins (aka Mackula); and the esteemed host of The DVD Infatuation Podcast, Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker are back again to talk about whatever they have been watching lately from their own personal watchlists! Give it a listen!

First time listener? Here’s how The Weekly Watchlist episodes work: Jay, Mack and Dave have zero “movie-watching homework.” We are completely free each week to watch whatever we want from any era, year, genre, country, etc! We can finally go through our own personal watchlists and catch up with the films we’ve been meaning to see. So, every week will be vastly different. Let us know what you think of this format. Join us!

Notes: This episode was recorded on July 26, 2024, and it released on August 23, 2024.

Jay of the Dead also hosts a WEEKLY HORROR MOVIE PODCAST with Mister Watson at Horror Movie And of course, every Horror fan should check out Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies, The Gold Standard of Horror Movie Podcasts.

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jay, Mack and even Dr. Shock at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 069: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – November 2023

Considering the Cinema Ep. 069: The DVD Infatuation Podcast - November 2023

Considering the Cinema presents… The DVD Infatuation Podcast, starring Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker — “The Leonard Maltin of the Internet,” the Amazing but Subtle One, the National Treasure himself, brings you a very interesting episode for November of 2023. First, here in Ep. 069, the 27th Edition of The DVD Infatuation Podcast, Dave begins by reciting a portion of his 100 Favorite Movie Quotes, some of which include live performances as the characters who delivered the lines. Next, by using his famous stream-of-consciousness style, Dave discusses a article titled, 10 Craziest Killer Vehicle Movies Ever, Ranked. And for the third segment of this episode, Dave brings you the first of a three-part series where Dave will present his Top 20 movies (all genres) from a specific decade. For this show, Dave is going to bring you his Top 20 Movies of the 1960s, as well as 5 Movies That Didn’t Make the List but Eventually Could Someday. Join us!

Thanks for checking out Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can post a comment in the show notes for this episode or reach out to Dave via Twitter: @DVDInfatuation Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 068: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – Euro-Crime Films – September 2023

Considering the Cinema Ep. M

Considering the Cinema presents… The DVD Infatuation Podcast, starring Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker — “The Leonard Maltin of the Internet,” the Amazing but Subtle One, the National Treasure himself, as he welcomes back special guest Ian Irza to discuss the Euro-Crime Film Genre, the Italian Crime cinema of the 1970s and 1980s! Ep. 068 is the 26th Edition of The DVD Infatuation Podcast. During this show, Dave and Ian talk about the Actors Who Appear in Euro-Crime Films Most Often; they give their Top 10 lists of their favorite Euro-Crime films, and of course, they close with the famous Music in the Movies segment! Join us!

Thanks for checking out Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can post a comment in the show notes for this episode or reach out to Dave via Twitter: @DVDInfatuation Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 066: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – May 2023

Considering the Cinema Ep. 066: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – May 2023

Considering the Cinema presents… The DVD Infatuation Podcast, starring Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker — “The Leonard Maltin of the Internet,” the Amazing but Subtle One, the National Treasure himself, as he welcomes special guests Derek and Sam from the I Love Old Movies Podcast! Ep. 066 is the 24th Edition of The DVD Infatuation Podcast, where Derek and Sam Name Three Movies From the New Millennium That They Enjoy. Dave’s guests also discuss The Career of John Williams, and you’ll hear Dave and Derek’s Five Worst Remakes of Classic Films, while Sam gives her Five Best Remakes of Classic Films! And of course, the listener-favorite, Music in the Movies segment. Join us!

Thanks for checking out Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can post a comment in the show notes for this episode or reach out to Dave via Twitter: @DVDInfatuation Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 065: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – March 2023 – 2 of 2

Considering the Cinema Ep. 065: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – March 2023 – 2 of 2

Welcome back again as Considering the Cinema presents… The DVD Infatuation Podcast, starring Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker — “The Leonard Maltin of the Internet,” the Amazing but Subtle One, the National Treasure himself, as he welcomes special guest Karen Wagner to discuss the Fantasy film genre. Specifically, here in Ep. 065, Dave and Karen discuss Animated Fantasy Films and TV Shows From Childhood, their Top 10 Fantasy Movies, and of course, the listener-favorite, Music in the Movies segment. Join us!

Thanks for checking out Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can post a comment in the show notes for this episode or reach out to Dave via Twitter: @DVDInfatuation Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 063: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – March 2023 – 1 of 2

Considering the Cinema Ep. 063: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – March 2023 – 1 of 2

Considering the Cinema presents… The DVD Infatuation Podcast, starring Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker — “The Leonard Maltin of the Internet,” the Amazing but Subtle One, the National Treasure himself, as he welcomes his friends from the Land of the Creeps Horror Podcast, including Greg and Pearl Morgan (aka GregaMortis and the Twisted Temptress) and Big Bill “The Butcher” Van Veghel. During this show, you will hear Dave and his friends celebrate the life and work of the inimitable Jim Henson. And of course, we bring you a list segment. This time the topic is: “Top 5 Lists of Favorite Movies Featuring Actors Who Evolved From the Cast of SCTV.” And as always, we conclude with a memorable Music in the Movies segment. Join us!

Notes for this episode: This episode was recorded on October 20, 2022. Considering the Cinema and The DVD Infatuation Podcast are non-explicit podcasts; however, please be advised that this episode has some coarse, PG-13-type language. Thanks for listening.

Thanks for checking out Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can post a comment in the show notes for this episode or reach out to Dave via Twitter: @DVDInfatuation Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 059: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – May / June 2022

Considering the Cinema Ep. 059: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – May / June 2022

Considering the Cinema presents… The DVD Infatuation Podcast, starring Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker — “The Leonard Maltin of the Internet,” the Amazing but Subtle One, the National Treasure himself, as he welcomes special guest Brian Scott, whom you can follow on Twitter as Horror Movie Fanboy. During Episode 059, Dave and Brian bring you two great Top 10 lists to highlight some of The Comedies of the 1980s. And for their Filmmaker in Focus segment, they examine The Career of John Hughes. And of course, they conclude with Dave’s famous Music in the Movies segment. Join us!

The DVD Infatuation Podcast is intended to be a monthly release, so watch for Dave’s July 2022 (20th Edition). Thanks for listening!

Thanks for checking out Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can post a comment in the show notes for this episode or reach out to Dave via Twitter: @DVDInfatuation Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 057: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – February 2022

Considering the Cinema Ep. 057: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – February 2022

Considering the Cinema presents… The DVD Infatuation Podcast, starring Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker — “The Leonard Maltin of the Internet,” the Amazing but Subtle One, the National Treasure himself, as he welcomes special guest Matt Rawlings of Father and Son Watch Horror Movies podcast (as well as Matt’s three puppies). During Episode 057, the topic is THE FILMS OF “THE DUKE,” JOHN WAYNE. You will also get some inside info about Bruce Dern and many other inside scoop stories (that you’ve never heard before). Also, Matt does a very convincing John Wayne impersonation. You will hear a great story about “The Quiet Man” (1952), as well as the tale of when Dr. Shock fell in love with the film “The Shootist” (1976).

Dave and Matt even mention a couple of John Wayne’s worst movies. In this episode, Matt tells a story about the one time he was truly star-struck in L.A. … Which actor did he meet? Listen to find out! During this show, you can also hear which contemporary filmmaker Dave refers to as “a Modern-Day Hitchcock.” And somehow, Dave and Matt even end up talking about “The Nail Gun Massacre” (1985) — not a John Wayne film, but maybe it should have been… Oh, and Dave tells the saddest story you’ve ever heard about the pre-VHS / home video era involving the movie “Superman” (1978). Episode 057 is a fascinating must-listen!

The DVD Infatuation Podcast is a monthly release, so watch for Dave’s March 2022 (18th Edition). Thanks for listening!

Thanks for checking out Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can post a comment in the show notes for this episode or reach out to Dave via Twitter: @DVDInfatuation Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 054: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – October 2021

Considering the Cinema Ep. 054: The DVD Infatuation Podcast - October 2021

Happy Halloween! This is not a trick — it’s a treat! Yes, you are getting the October episode during October! Considering the Cinema proudly presents… the 14th Edition of The DVD Infatuation Podcast for October 2021. Here in Episode 054, “the Leonard Maltin of the Internet,” an American Treasure, the Amazing but Subtle Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker discusses his Top 10 Survival Horror Movies with special guest Jason “Jay of the Dead” Pyles from the Horror Movie Weekly, Considering the Cinema and Movie Podcast Weekly. Dave and Jay also spend some time discussing “Moving to Mars Movies.” And of course, we conclude with the Music in the Movies segment, where Dave and Jay talk about some favorite Horror and Comedy soundtrack songs. Join us!

The DVD Infatuation Podcast is a monthly release, so watch for Dave’s November 2021 edition — coming soon! Thanks for listening.

For those who don’t know, since 2010, Dave has been the author of the prolific film blog DVD, with which Dave completed a remarkable challenge where he reviewed 2,500 movies! Jay conducted two great interviews with Dave during and after this challenge. Listen to those here: First Interview and Retrospective Interview.

Thanks for checking out Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can post a comment in the show notes for this episode or reach out to Dave via Twitter: @DVDInfatuation Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 053: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – August / September 2021

Considering the Cinema Ep. 053: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – August / September 2021

Considering the Cinema proudly presents… the 13th Edition of The DVD Infatuation Podcast for August and September 2021. Here in Episode 053, “the Leonard Maltin of the Internet,” an American Treasure, the Amazing but Subtle Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker spends some time discussing some Obscure Westerns with special guest Peter Nielsen from the Retro Movie Geek and Terror on the Tube podcasts. Dave and Peter spend some time exploring James Stewart and Anthony Mann Westerns. They also bring you their Top 10 Obscure Westerns, which features some DEEP CUTS! Also in this episode, Dave welcomes back his co-host from The Illustrated Fan, Mr. Nathan Bartlebaugh, who helps him review another Nicholas Ray film from 1954, “Johnny Guitar.” And of course, Dave also brings you his famous Music in the Movies segment, where he and Peter discuss Memorable Western Themes. Join us!

The DVD Infatuation Podcast is a monthly release, so watch for Dave’s October 2021 edition with special guest Jason “Jay of the Dead” Pyles — coming soon! Thanks for listening.

For those who don’t know, since 2010, Dave has been the author of the prolific film blog DVD, with which Dave completed a remarkable challenge where he reviewed 2,500 movies! Jay conducted two great interviews with Dave during and after this challenge. Listen to those here: First Interview and Retrospective Interview.

Thanks for checking out Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can post a comment in the show notes for this episode or reach out to Dave via Twitter: @DVDInfatuation Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 052: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – July 2021

Considering the Cinema Ep. 052: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – July 2021

Considering the Cinema proudly presents… the 12th Edition of The DVD Infatuation Podcast for July 2021. Here in Episode 052, “the Leonard Maltin of the Internet,” an American Treasure, the Amazing but Subtle Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker spends some time celebrating The Golden Age of Hollywood by discussing several gems that have now become revered, Classic Movies! So, in addition to his 20 Movies From Hollywood’s Golden Age list, Dave also talks about a remarkable film book by Richard Schickel called “The Men Who Made the Movies.” Also in this episode, Dave welcomes back his co-host from The Illustrated Fan, Mr. Nathan Bartlebaugh, who helps him review another Nicholas Ray film from 1950, “In a Lonely Place.” And of course, Dave also brings you his famous Music in the Movies segment, where he remembers Three Great Songs From Three Classic Hollywood Films. Join us!

The DVD Infatuation Podcast is a monthly release, so watch for Dave’s August 2021 edition coming soon! Thanks for listening.

For those who don’t know, since 2010, Dave has been the author of the prolific film blog DVD, with which Dave completed a remarkable challenge where he reviewed 2,500 movies! Jay conducted two great interviews with Dave during and after this challenge. Listen to those here: First Interview and Retrospective Interview.

Thanks for checking out Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can post a comment in the show notes for this episode or reach out to Dave via Twitter: @DVDInfatuation Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 049: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – April 2021

Considering the Cinema Ep. 049: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – April 2021

Considering the Cinema proudly presents… the 9th Edition of The DVD Infatuation Podcast for April 2021. In Episode 049, “the Leonard Maltin of the Internet,” an American Treasure, the Amazing but Subtle Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker discusses The Next Wave of the DVD Infatuation Blog and his 20 Hidden Treasures, and of course, Music in Movies from the film “Lords of Dogtown” (2005). The DVD Infatuation Podcast is a monthly release, so watch for Dave’s May 2021 edition coming soon! Thanks for listening.

For those who don’t know, since 2010, Dave has been the author of the prolific film blog DVD, with which Dave completed a remarkable challenge where he reviewed 2,500 movies! Jay conducted two great interviews with Dave during and after this challenge. Listen to those here: First Interview and Retrospective Interview.

Thanks for checking out Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can post a comment in the show notes for this episode or reach out to Dave via Twitter: @DVDInfatuation Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 048: Nobody (2021) and Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021)

Considering the Cinema Ep. 048 - Nobody 2021 and Zack Snyder's Justice League 2021

Jason’s back! For all you fans of Considering the Cinema, you may have wondered where Jay has been. It’s been a turbulent 2021, but things are looking up again and Episode 048 is here to celebrate that hopeful sentiment! During this show, your long, lost, late-night host Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”) brings you a classic episode of Considering the Cinema and even welcomes special guest Raul the Monster Slayer (aka @Raul vs Monsters on Twitter). Jay and Raul bring you two Feature Reviews of Nobody (2021) and Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021). They also discuss some quick mini reviews of what they’ve been watching lately and some other tidbits. Enjoy!

This episode was recorded on March 30, 2021 and released on April 21, 2021.

If you’re a huge Horror fan, you can view all of Jay’s HORROR ONLY episodes at Considering HORROR Jay of the Dead also hosts a WEEKLY HORROR PODCAST with Mister Watson and Channy Dreadful at Horror Movie Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jay at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 047: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – March 2021

Considering the Cinema Ep. 047: The DVD Infatuation Podcast - March 2021

Considering the Cinema presents the 8th Edition of Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker’s The DVD Infatuation Podcast for March 2021! During Episode 047, “the Leonard Maltin of the Internet,” an American Treasure, the Amazing but Subtle Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker welcomes his first guest, BIG Bill Van Veghel from the Land of the Creeps horror podcast and Phantom Galaxy podcast. Dave and Bill discuss Extreme Cinema and Notable War Movies, and of course, Music in Movies. The DVD Infatuation Podcast is a monthly release, so watch for Dave’s April 2021 edition coming soon! Thanks for listening.

For those who don’t know, since 2010, Dave has been the author of the prolific film blog DVD, with which Dave completed a remarkable challenge where he reviewed 2,500 movies! Jay conducted two great interviews with Dave during and after this challenge. Listen to those here: First Interview and Retrospective Interview.

Thanks for checking out Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can post a comment in the show notes for this episode or reach out to Dave via Twitter: @DVDInfatuation Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 045: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – January 2021

Considering the Cinema Ep. 045: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – January 2021

As we kick off the new year in 2021, Considering the Cinema presents the 6th Edition of Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker’s The DVD Infatuation Podcast for January 2021! During Episode 045, “the Leonard Maltin of the Internet,” an American Treasure, the Amazing but Subtle Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker brings you his Top 25 Directors, a list that includes some great stories and Dave’s recommendations for many great films by these great directors. Get your Letterboxd watchlists ready! And of course, Dave brings you his Music in Movies segment, where he highlights four instances in movies where the actors actually perform the song. The DVD Infatuation Podcast is a monthly release, so watch for Dave’s February 2021 edition next month! Thanks for listening.

For those who don’t know, since 2010, Dave has been the author of the prolific film blog DVD, with which Dave completed a remarkable challenge where he reviewed 2,500 movies! Jay conducted two great interviews with Dave during and after this challenge. Listen to those here: First Interview and Retrospective Interview.

Thanks for checking out Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can post a comment in the show notes for this episode or reach out to Dave via Twitter: @DVDInfatuation Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 044: Top 10 Movies of 2020 with the Hosts of Movie Podcast Weekly

Ep. 044: Top 10 Movies of 2020 with the Hosts of Movie Podcast Weekly

Happy new year! It’s finally 2021! This is our favorite, most important episode of the year! In case you were wondering what a terrible, relatively “movie-less” year like 2020 brought to us in terms of noteworthy cinema, you can hear the Top 10 Movies of 2020, brought to you by your host Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”) and his buddies from Movie Podcast Weekly, including the actor Karl Huddleston, the professional Geek Ryan Elliott of the Geek Cast Live Podcast, and a Guy Named Andy. (William Rowan Jr. is absent during this episode.)

Episode 044 was recorded on January 4, 2021, and it was released on January 5, 2021. This is a hybrid episode brought to you by Considering the Cinema and Movie Podcast Weekly. If you’re a Horror movie fan, listen to Jay of the Dead’s Top 10 HORROR Movies of 2020 episode here.

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 043: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – December 2020

Considering the Cinema Ep. 043: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – December 2020

Considering the Cinema presents some entertainment for you to listen to on this locked down, quarantined New Year’s Eve: The 5th Edition of Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker’s The DVD Infatuation Podcast for December 2020! During Episode 043, “the Leonard Maltin of the Internet,” an American Treasure, the Amazing but Subtle Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker brings you his Top 10 Favorite Actors (plus an Honorable Mention), as well as his Top 20 Movies of 1984. And for this Music in Movies segment, Leonard Cohen! The DVD Infatuation Podcast is a monthly release, so watch for Dave’s January 2021 edition coming soon! Thanks for listening.

For those who don’t know, since 2010, Dave has been the author of the prolific film blog DVD, with which Dave completed a remarkable challenge where he reviewed 2,500 movies! Jay conducted two great interviews with Dave during and after this challenge. Listen to those here: First Interview and Retrospective Interview.

Thanks for checking out Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can post a comment in the show notes for this episode or reach out to Dave via Twitter: @DVDInfatuation Continue reading

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 040: Halloween Special – Zombies and Witches with Kyle Bishop and Ron Martin

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 040: Halloween Special – Zombies and Witches with Kyle Bishop and Ron Martin

Happy Halloween! It’s 2020 — one of the scariest years in a long time. And welcome to Jay of the Dead’s Halloween Special for Considering the Cinema and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting. Here in Episode 040, your late-night Horror host welcomes guest host Kyle Bishop (aka “Dr. Walking Dead”). Jay and Kyle talk about the obsessive need to classify movies in genre. They also discuss the appearance of cartoons in live-action Horror movies, and they bring you a Feature Review of the South Korean Action Horror Zombie flick, Train to Busan (2016). During this review, Kyle extols the virtues of the train narrative. Then Jay gives a mini review of Train to Busan presents… Peninsula (2020).

Later in this episode, Jay is joined by special guest host, podcaster, ghost hunter and author Ron Martin, host of The Resurrection of Zombie 7 horror podcast and Salem 1692 Podcast. Ron discusses the dark history of Salem, Massachusetts, and his new book, “Discover Salem.” They also review a non-witch movie called The Witch in the Window (2018). Note: The jack o’ lantern photo in the episode artwork is courtesy of Emily Stewart. Also, don’t forget to vote on Nov. 3, 2020!

If you’re a huge Horror fan, you can view all of Jay’s HORROR ONLY episodes at Considering HORROR Jay of the Dead also hosts a WEEKLY HORROR MOVIE PODCAST with BillChete and Lady Phantom at Horror Movie Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jay at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 039: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – October 2020

Considering the Cinema Ep. 039: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – October 2020

As the weather grows colder and November fast approaches, Considering the Cinema proudly presents the third edition of Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker’s The DVD Infatuation Podcast for October 2020. So, here in Episode 039, “the Leonard Maltin of the Internet,” an American Treasure, the Amazing but Subtle Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker brings you his 10 Favorite Actresses, A Year in Movies featuring his Top 20 Movies of 1980, and his Music in Movies: The Who segment! The DVD Infatuation Podcast is a monthly release, so watch for Dave’s November 2020 edition coming soon! Thanks for listening.

For those who don’t know, since 2010, Dave has been the author of the prolific film blog DVD, with which Dave completed a remarkable challenge where he reviewed 2,500 movies! Jay conducted two great interviews with Dave during and after this challenge. Listen to those here: First Interview and Retrospective Interview.

Thanks for checking out Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can post a comment in the show notes for this episode or reach out to Dave via Twitter: @DVDInfatuation Continue reading

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 038: Bullets of Justice (2020) and Exhibit A (2007) with Reel Talk: A Movie Podcast

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 038: Bullets of Justice 2020 and Exhibit A 2007 with Reel Talk: A Movie Podcast

There’s no better time to enjoy some Pig-Headed Horror than in October! Happy Halloween Month! In Episode 038 of Considering Horror Cinema, your late-night Horror host Jay of the Dead brings you a solocast Feature Review of a brand-new Grindhouse-Exploitation, Sci-Fi, Action-Horror movie called Bullets of Justice (2020), a film that Jay refers to as his second-guiltiest, Guilty Pleasure movie. Then Jay welcomes his podcasting “buddies” — Wes Jones, Tommy Wood and Gabe Conway — the esteemed hosts of Reel Talk: A Movie Podcast to help him review Exhibit A (2007), a disturbing Found Footage flick that Jay calls a Third-Act Horror Film. Of necessity, that review contains major plot spoilers for the film. Join us!

If you’re a huge Horror fan, you can view all of Jay’s HORROR ONLY episodes at Considering HORROR Jay of the Dead also hosts a WEEKLY HORROR MOVIE PODCAST with BillChete and Lady Phantom at Horror Movie Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jay at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 037: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show and Beware: Children at Play (1989)

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 037: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show and Beware: Children at Play 1989

Happy Halloween Month! It’s October of 2020, and your late-night Horror host Jay of the Dead invites some veteran Horror podcasters to help him with Considering Horror Cinema here in Episode 037. Jay welcomes the esteemed hosts of The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show (of the Horrorphilia Network), Mister Watson and Dave Zee, the latter also being a host on the Exploding Heads Horror Podcast. Jay invited Mister Watson and Dave Zee to join him for a Feature Review of a bizarre, Evil Kid Movie, Beware: Children at Play (1989), which is a Troma production, no less. Thanks to listener and friend, Adam in Chicago, for this odd recommendation!

Jay of the Dead takes to time to get to know these two guests, their podcasting lineage, and their favorite Horror movies. (You might be surprised to hear Mister Watson’s all-time favorite Horror movie…) You can also learn about some of the history of the Horrorphilia Network and some of its interesting Horror podcasts. Jay spends the first 30 minutes or so interviewing Mister Watson and Dave Zee, and it feels like friends chatting at a Halloween party. Join us!

If you’re a huge Horror fan, you can view all of Jay’s HORROR ONLY episodes at Considering HORROR Jay of the Dead also hosts a WEEKLY HORROR MOVIE PODCAST with BillChete and Lady Phantom at Horror Movie Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jay at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 036: Joel and Jason’s 20 Underappreciated Movies Gems

Considering the Cinema Ep. 036: Joel and Jason's 20 Underappreciated Movies Gems

The weird thing about living in a digital, VOD, streaming world is the way our glut of movie and TV choices ironically leaves us with no idea what to watch next! It’s a First-World Problem, but sometimes it feels like we have too many options to choose from. We suspect that most of the time, we mention movies on our podcasts. You’ve heard our recommendations. You intended to watch them, but you never got around to it, so those gems have slipped through the cracks. So, here in Episode 036 of Considering the Cinema, your host Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”) welcomes fellow podcaster and long-time friend, the Gillman Joel Robertson, to help you compile a solid watchlist of 20 Underappreciated Movies Gems (in no particular order)!

Jay also hosts a WEEKLY Horror movie podcast with BillChete and Lady Phantom at Horror Movie Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jay at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading