Considering the Cinema Ep. 036: Joel and Jason’s 20 Underappreciated Movies Gems

Considering the Cinema Ep. 036: Joel and Jason's 20 Underappreciated Movies Gems

The weird thing about living in a digital, VOD, streaming world is the way our glut of movie and TV choices ironically leaves us with no idea what to watch next! It’s a First-World Problem, but sometimes it feels like we have too many options to choose from. We suspect that most of the time, we mention movies on our podcasts. You’ve heard our recommendations. You intended to watch them, but you never got around to it, so those gems have slipped through the cracks. So, here in Episode 036 of Considering the Cinema, your host Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”) welcomes fellow podcaster and long-time friend, the Gillman Joel Robertson, to help you compile a solid watchlist of 20 Underappreciated Movies Gems (in no particular order)!

Jay also hosts a WEEKLY Horror movie podcast with BillChete and Lady Phantom at Horror Movie Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jay at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading