Considering the Cinema Ep. 045: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – January 2021

Considering the Cinema Ep. 045: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – January 2021

As we kick off the new year in 2021, Considering the Cinema presents the 6th Edition of Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker’s The DVD Infatuation Podcast for January 2021! During Episode 045, “the Leonard Maltin of the Internet,” an American Treasure, the Amazing but Subtle Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker brings you his Top 25 Directors, a list that includes some great stories and Dave’s recommendations for many great films by these great directors. Get your Letterboxd watchlists ready! And of course, Dave brings you his Music in Movies segment, where he highlights four instances in movies where the actors actually perform the song. The DVD Infatuation Podcast is a monthly release, so watch for Dave’s February 2021 edition next month! Thanks for listening.

For those who don’t know, since 2010, Dave has been the author of the prolific film blog DVD, with which Dave completed a remarkable challenge where he reviewed 2,500 movies! Jay conducted two great interviews with Dave during and after this challenge. Listen to those here: First Interview and Retrospective Interview.

Thanks for checking out Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can post a comment in the show notes for this episode or reach out to Dave via Twitter: @DVDInfatuation Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 044: Top 10 Movies of 2020 with the Hosts of Movie Podcast Weekly

Ep. 044: Top 10 Movies of 2020 with the Hosts of Movie Podcast Weekly

Happy new year! It’s finally 2021! This is our favorite, most important episode of the year! In case you were wondering what a terrible, relatively “movie-less” year like 2020 brought to us in terms of noteworthy cinema, you can hear the Top 10 Movies of 2020, brought to you by your host Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”) and his buddies from Movie Podcast Weekly, including the actor Karl Huddleston, the professional Geek Ryan Elliott of the Geek Cast Live Podcast, and a Guy Named Andy. (William Rowan Jr. is absent during this episode.)

Episode 044 was recorded on January 4, 2021, and it was released on January 5, 2021. This is a hybrid episode brought to you by Considering the Cinema and Movie Podcast Weekly. If you’re a Horror movie fan, listen to Jay of the Dead’s Top 10 HORROR Movies of 2020 episode here.

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 043: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – December 2020

Considering the Cinema Ep. 043: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – December 2020

Considering the Cinema presents some entertainment for you to listen to on this locked down, quarantined New Year’s Eve: The 5th Edition of Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker’s The DVD Infatuation Podcast for December 2020! During Episode 043, “the Leonard Maltin of the Internet,” an American Treasure, the Amazing but Subtle Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker brings you his Top 10 Favorite Actors (plus an Honorable Mention), as well as his Top 20 Movies of 1984. And for this Music in Movies segment, Leonard Cohen! The DVD Infatuation Podcast is a monthly release, so watch for Dave’s January 2021 edition coming soon! Thanks for listening.

For those who don’t know, since 2010, Dave has been the author of the prolific film blog DVD, with which Dave completed a remarkable challenge where he reviewed 2,500 movies! Jay conducted two great interviews with Dave during and after this challenge. Listen to those here: First Interview and Retrospective Interview.

Thanks for checking out Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can post a comment in the show notes for this episode or reach out to Dave via Twitter: @DVDInfatuation Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 039: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – October 2020

Considering the Cinema Ep. 039: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – October 2020

As the weather grows colder and November fast approaches, Considering the Cinema proudly presents the third edition of Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker’s The DVD Infatuation Podcast for October 2020. So, here in Episode 039, “the Leonard Maltin of the Internet,” an American Treasure, the Amazing but Subtle Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker brings you his 10 Favorite Actresses, A Year in Movies featuring his Top 20 Movies of 1980, and his Music in Movies: The Who segment! The DVD Infatuation Podcast is a monthly release, so watch for Dave’s November 2020 edition coming soon! Thanks for listening.

For those who don’t know, since 2010, Dave has been the author of the prolific film blog DVD, with which Dave completed a remarkable challenge where he reviewed 2,500 movies! Jay conducted two great interviews with Dave during and after this challenge. Listen to those here: First Interview and Retrospective Interview.

Thanks for checking out Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can post a comment in the show notes for this episode or reach out to Dave via Twitter: @DVDInfatuation Continue reading

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 037: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show and Beware: Children at Play (1989)

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 037: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show and Beware: Children at Play 1989

Happy Halloween Month! It’s October of 2020, and your late-night Horror host Jay of the Dead invites some veteran Horror podcasters to help him with Considering Horror Cinema here in Episode 037. Jay welcomes the esteemed hosts of The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show (of the Horrorphilia Network), Mister Watson and Dave Zee, the latter also being a host on the Exploding Heads Horror Podcast. Jay invited Mister Watson and Dave Zee to join him for a Feature Review of a bizarre, Evil Kid Movie, Beware: Children at Play (1989), which is a Troma production, no less. Thanks to listener and friend, Adam in Chicago, for this odd recommendation!

Jay of the Dead takes to time to get to know these two guests, their podcasting lineage, and their favorite Horror movies. (You might be surprised to hear Mister Watson’s all-time favorite Horror movie…) You can also learn about some of the history of the Horrorphilia Network and some of its interesting Horror podcasts. Jay spends the first 30 minutes or so interviewing Mister Watson and Dave Zee, and it feels like friends chatting at a Halloween party. Join us!

If you’re a huge Horror fan, you can view all of Jay’s HORROR ONLY episodes at Considering HORROR Jay of the Dead also hosts a WEEKLY HORROR MOVIE PODCAST with BillChete and Lady Phantom at Horror Movie Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jay at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 033: The DVD Infatuation Podcast – August 2020

Considering the Cinema Ep. 033: The DVD Infatuation Podcast - August 2020

With the release of Episode 033 of Considering the Cinema, you’re hearing dreams coming true and history in the making! So many people for so long have hoped and wished for a podcast run by “the Leonard Maltin of the Internet,” an American Treasure, the Amazing but Subtle Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker! Since 2010, Dave has been the author of the prolific film blog DVD, with which Dave completed a remarkable challenge where he reviewed 2,500 movies! (Jay conducts two great interviews with Dave during and after this challenge. Listen to those here: First Interview and Retrospective Interview.)

But finally, for the first time ever, Considering the Cinema is proud to present The DVD Infatuation Podcast with Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker! Dave brings you a great episode, just under an hour long, that’s comprised of three great segments: Film Critic Influences and François Truffaut, A Year in Movies: 1981 (including Dave’s Top 20 for that year) and Music in the Movies: Frank Sinatra. This debut episode of The DVD Infatuation Podcast a must-listen podcast episode! If you enjoy this episode, let us know! Watch for Dave’s September 2020 edition next month!

Thanks for checking out Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jason at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 011: Horrors From the Past Resurface in the Present

Ep. 011 - A Debate With BillChete

Here’s an episode for Slasher fans… In Episode 011 of Considering Horror Cinema, your late-night Horror host, Jay of the Dead brings you a 10 out of 10-rated Horror movie, a modern Slasher from Hong Kong by Pang Ho-cheung, called Dream Home (2011). Buy it sight unseen, if you love Slashers and gore films. This episode also features a little bit of a scandal in which Jay reissues an excerpted interview from BillChete’s Horror on the Go, when BillChete interviewed Jay of the Dead during a 2015 debate about Horror Genre Classification. (Listen to the episode for more explanation, but in short, Jay is still trying to get in touch with BillChete to get him on this show and figured this might be a good way.) But to be clear, the content of the interview belongs entirely to BillChete and Horror on the Go.

Don’t forget to subscribe for free, so you don’t miss a special July 30 surprise release, as well as the Movie Podcast Weekly hosts appearing as guests on Considering the Cinema to review “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” with Jason. Also, you won’t want to miss this year’s two upcoming “Best of the Decades” shows: Top 10 Horror Movies of the 2010s Decade — and — Top 10 Movies of the 2010s (all genre), slated for late December, early January releases, respectively. Both of these episodes will include panels of guest hosts who will join Jay to bring you the very best of the 2010s decade. These shows will be FREE and only available here through Considering the Cinema Podcast.

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can call the new voicemail number at (801) 215-9704 or email Jay at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 006: Taken Children – The Prodigy (2019), The Curse of La Llorona (2019), The Head Hunter (2019)

Ep. 006: Taken Children

Thanks to a very generous donation by Sean Smith and an inspiring voicemail from Greg “The Gray Man” Bensch, here is an impromptu BONUS episode of Considering Horror Cinema. I am your late-night Horror host, Jay of the Dead, and I have three, brand-new 2019 Horror movies to review for you. Coincidentally, all three films share a common theme of “Taken Children.” That wasn’t planned. It just happened.

During Episode 006, I discuss a notable film that’s a must-see Horror flick this year called The Head Hunter (2019). And I bring you reviews of the wide theater releases, The Prodigy (2019) and The Curse of La Llorona (2019).

For those who join me to consider some Horror cinema, I delve into a few important distinctions. During these reviews I explore the creation of monsters. I also compare and contrast the monstrous motivations of Pamela Voorhees versus those of La Llorona (and why the latter is a problematic character). We’ll also listen to The Gray Man’s voicemail and talk about some 1980s Horror VHS box art. If you dig Horror film criticism, I hope you’ll join me! Thanks for listening. Continue reading