Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 031: The Rental (2020) and The Pool (2019)

Considering the Cinema Ep. 031 - The Rental 2020 and The Pool 2019

Jay returns to the movie theater for the first time in 141 days (nearly five months)! To celebrate, in Episode 031 of Considering Horror Cinema, your late-night Horror host Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”) brings you two feature reviews of The Rental (2020) and the Thai Survival Horror Beastly Freak flick The Pool (2019). Be advised, you could play a drinking game with how many times Jay of the Dead uses the word “egregious” while reviewing “The Pool.” Jay also recounts his experience of returning to the theater.

If you’re a huge Horror fan, you can view all of Jay’s HORROR ONLY episodes at Considering HORROR Jay of the Dead also hosts a WEEKLY HORROR PODCAST with BillChete and Lady Phantom at Horror Movie Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jay at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 030: The Cured (2018) and Four Zombie Short Films With Dr. Walking Dead Kyle Bishop

Considering the Cinema Ep. 030: The Cured (2018) and Four Zombie Short Films With Dr. Walking Dead Kyle Bishop

Like brains? Then you’ll love listening to special guest Kyle Bishop (aka Dr. Walking Dead) because he’s very smart about zombie cinema. In Episode 030 of Considering Horror Cinema, your late-night Horror host Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”) and Kyle Bishop review The Cured (2018) and four zombie short films: Zombies V The CWA (2019) and The Last Taxi Driver (2018) and Still (2016) and Zombied (2019). You will hear Dr. Walking Dead’s take on our current predicament with this global pandemic COVID-19. Jay and Kyle also muse about whether the zombie can help us through our world’s apocalyptic outlook. Kyle says zombie films are not a genre. And he also discusses why a short film is not a short story. A short story is a regular movie. And a novel is equivalent to a series. Jay also brings you his first installment of his What Monsters Mean series as he and Kyle discuss What Zombies Mean. Join us!

And if you’re a huge Horror fan, you can view all of Jay’s HORROR ONLY episodes at Considering HORROR Jay of the Dead also hosts a WEEKLY Horror movie podcast with BillChete and Lady Phantom at Horror Movie Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jay at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 029: The Postcard Killings (2020), Only (2020), Into the Void (2020)

Considering the Cinema Ep. 029: The Postcard Killings 2020, Only 2020, Into the Void 2020

Join Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”) with a podcast version of a late-night drive home from the movie theater, as you “talk” movies with Jay and listen to late-night radio. In Episode 029 of Considering the Cinema, Jay brings you reviews of 2020 new release movies on VOD, such as The Postcard Killings (2020) and Only (2020) and Into the Void (2020). Jay also brings you a review of Retribution (1987), as well as some Mini Reviews and listener voicemails. Also, be sure to check out Jay of the Dead’s weekly Horror movie podcast at Horror Movie, with co-hosts BillChete and Lady Phantom.

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jason at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 028: Jody Horror Guy and The Gray Man’s Film Challenge: Three Decades of Theatrical Horror (1990 – 2019)

Considering the Cinema Ep. 028: Jody Horror Guy and The Gray Man's Film Challenge: Three Decades of Theatrical Horror 1990 - 2019

In a recent episode, your late-night Horror host Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”) received a voicemail from The Gray Man in Ohio, describing a remarkable film challenge that he completed with his buddy, Jody Horror Guy, of the Reel Blood Podcast Network. So, here in Episode 028 of Considering Horror Cinema, Jay of the Dead interviews Jody Horror Guy and Greg “The Gray Man” Bensch about their impressive Film Challenge: Three Decades of Theatrical Horror (1990 – 2019).

Anytime cinephiles complete a film challenge out of pure love of cinema (such as Dr. Shock’s 2,500 Movies Challenge), it’s worth admiring and hearing about how it was accomplished and what they learned from the journey. In Jody and Greg’s challenge, they watched a total of 972 Horror movies that were released theatrically over 30 years in the United States between 1990 and 2019. So, Jay of the Dead asks these intrepid film fans some logistical questions about how they pulled this off and which of the 972 Horror films were most notable. See Greg and Jody’s entire 972 Horror Film List on Letterboxd. Thank you to Jody Horror Guy and Greg “The Gray Man” Bensch for agreeing to share their experience while Considering Horror Cinema. Join us!

If you’re a huge Horror fan, you can view all of Jay’s HORROR ONLY episodes at Considering HORROR Jay of the Dead also hosts a WEEKLY HORROR PODCAST with BillChete and Lady Phantom at Horror Movie Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jay at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 027: The Lodge (2020), Capone (2020), Green Rush (2020), Blood and Money (2020), Walkaway Joe (2020)

Considering the Cinema Ep. 027: The Lodge 2020, Capone 2020, Green Rush 2020, Blood and Money 2020, Walkaway Joe 2020

For decades past, the month of May used to be well into blockbuster movie season. But now, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, theaters are closed and there doesn’t seem to be a “big summer popcorn movie” season this year. At least, not yet. Are there still any great movies to watch on VOD? Your late-night host Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”) is here in Episode 027 of Considering the Cinema to answer that question for you!

During this show, Jay will bring you the scoop on 2020 new release movies on VOD, such as Capone (2020) and Green Rush (2020) and Blood and Money (2020) and Walkaway Joe (2020). But the major highlights of Episode 027 are the three special guests: Jay welcomes BillChete and Lady Phantom of Movies in 4K and Horror Movie Weekly to help him review the Horror chiller The Lodge (2020). And Jason also welcomes the Irishman himself, Karl Huddleston from Movie Podcast Weekly, to review The King’s Speech (2010). This episode features an incredibly sobering comment from Justin the Juggernaut. And as always, Jay brings you a bunch of Mini Reviews, including a quick description of Love Wedding Repeat (2020) on Netflix.

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jason at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 026: What Has Been Hiding in My Attic

Considering the Cinema Ep. 026 - Midsommar and 976-Evil

Don’t whiz on the Sacred Ancestral Tree! Good advice. Anybody who has been listening to Jay of the Dead’s podcasts for awhile knows that there is often content that was recorded months (or even years!) previously before it ever sees the light of day. But that content does eventually get released!

In Episode 026 of Considering Horror Cinema, your late-night Horror host Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”) is finally revealing the podcast recordings that have been hiding in his attic! All the reviews in this episode were recorded in 2019. This episode has the longest review ever committed to the film 976-Evil (1989), as Jay of the Dead discusses it with Greg “The Gray Man” Bensch. (It’s about an hour long.) Then Jay does a 75-minute deep-dive discussion of Midsommar (2019) with the oracle Jody Horror Guy (of the Reel Blood Podcast Network) and his unclouded intuition. Jay also gripes a little about the term “Folk Horror” and goes on a lot about the scariest disease ever, Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Jay also brings you solocast reviews of BrightBurn (2019) and The Intruder (2019) and The Perfection (2019) and Friend Request (2017) and The Hunted (2014) and Basement Jack (2009).

If you’re a huge Horror fan, you can view all of Jay’s HORROR ONLY episodes at Considering HORROR Jay of the Dead also hosts a WEEKLY HORROR PODCAST with BillChete and Lady Phantom at Horror Movie Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jay at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 025: The Wretched (2020), The Other Lamb (2020), All Day and a Night (2020), Arkansas (2020), 90 Feet From Home (2020), Cry for the Bad Man (2020)

Considering the Cinema Ep. 025: The Wretched, The Other Lamb, All Day and a Night, Arkansas, 90 Feet From Home, Cry for the Bad Man - 2020 New Release Movies on VOD

Episode 025 of Considering the Cinema was recorded on Friday, May 8, 2020 — the 39-year anniversary of the release of the ’80s Slasher film, “The Burning.” To celebrate, your late-night host Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”) stays up late and solocasts with you to review six 2020 new release movies on VOD, including The Wretched (2020) and The Other Lamb (2020) and Arkansas (2020) and All Day and a Night (2020) and Cry for the Bad Man (2020) and 90 Feet From Home (2020).

Jay also brings you a few noteworthy Mini Reviews and some great listener voicemails from Eric from Chicago; Tonee Smith (aka Star Nerd); “Long-time, First-time”; The Gray Man from Ohio; Andrew from West Virginia; an imposter “Fake GregaMortis” and Bill Van Veghel from Land of the Creeps horror podcast!

This episode is dedicated to Shane the Maniac Cop and his mother.

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jason at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 024: Extraction (2020), 1BR (2020), Party Hard Die Young (2020), True History of the Kelly Gang (2020)

Ep. 024: Extraction 2020, 1BR 2020, Party Hard Die Young 2020, True History of the Kelly Gang 2020

Welcome to Episode 024 of Considering the Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting. This week your late-night host Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”) stays up late and solocasts with you about four new 2020 movies, including Extraction (2020) and True History of the Kelly Gang (2020) and the Horror films 1BR (2020) and Party Hard, Die Young (2020). Jay also brings you a number of Mini Reviews and some great listener feedback! Give it a listen!

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jason at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 023: Encore – Another Top 10 Movies of the 2010s Decade Show

Ep. 023: Encore – Another Top 10 Movies of the 2010s Decade Show

You’re not seeing double. And no, this isn’t a rerun. Yes, you are indeed getting a SECOND celebration of the very best films from 2010 to 2019 — but with three of the most obsessed movie-fan cinephiles you’ve ever heard! Your late night host, Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead“), and Considering the Cinema present Encore – Another Top 10 Movies of the 2010s Decade Show! In Episode 023, Jason welcomes his friends, Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker and filmmaker Mack Robins, to present their Top 10 Movies of the 2010s Decade, as well as their five Honorable Mentions. And since Jason already listed his Top 15 movies of the 2010s during Episode 016, in this episode, he provides his best picks of the decade for 11 through 25. This is a must-listen episode!

Notes about Episode 023: For simplicity’s sake, we are using the year listed on IMDb to determine each film’s year of release. And this episode was recorded in two different sittings, months apart: The first half was recorded on Feb. 8, 2020, and the second half was recorded on April 19, 2020.

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 022: Blood on Her Name (2020), The Quarry (2020), Hunter’s Moon (2020)

Ep. 022: Blood on Her Name (2020), The Quarry (2020), Hunter's Moon (2020)

In Episode 022 of Considering the Cinema, your late-night host Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”) did some recording after midnight on Sunday, April 19, to bring you three Feature Reviews of The Quarry (2020) and the Beastly Freak Horror movie Hunter’s Moon (2020) and Blood on Her Name (2020). Jay also brings you more Mini Reviews and discusses the future of movies. Take a listen and stay healthy!

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jason at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 021: Movies, COVID-19 and the Apocalypse

Ep. 021: Sea Fever and Mini Review Movie Marathon

What the hell happened since we last spoke? Wow. 2020 has been a doozy already. Welcome to Considering the Cinema, Episode 021. In this unforgettable solocast episode, your late-night host Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”) sits down behind the mic just before midnight on Thursday, April 9, and brings you an impromptu, off-the-cuff, Mini Review Marathon of more than 40 movies — many of which are 2020 films, believe it or not. Jay podcasts into the wee hours of the morning on Friday, April 10. And he concludes this episode with a Feature Review of Sea Fever (2020), which released globally on VOD on April 10, 2020. Hang in there, and stay healthy!

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jason at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 020: Gretel and Hansel (2020), The Rhythm Section (2020), Just Mercy (2020)

Ep. 020: Gretel and Hansel, The Rhythm Section, Just Mercy

Welcome to Considering the Cinema, Episode 020. Your late-night host Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”) brings you a few Feature Reviews of some 2020 new releases, including Gretel and Hansel (2020) — with special guest Mack Robins, as well as solo reviews of The Rhythm Section (2020) and Just Mercy (2020). Mack is the director of the short film Unseen. And of course, Jason also brings you some Mini Reviews of what he’s been watching lately. Enjoy!

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can call the new voicemail number at (801) 215-9704 or email Jason at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 019: The Gentlemen (2020), The Turning (2020), Movie Shaming and High Noon (1952)

Ep. 019 - The Gentlemen, The Turning, Movie Shaming and High Noon

Welcome to Considering the Cinema, Episode 019, in which your late-night host Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”) brings you reviews of the 2020 new releases, The Gentlemen (2020) and The Turning (2020). Jason also welcomes filmmaker Mack Robins, director of the short film Unseen, to discuss Movie Shaming and High Noon (1952). And of course, Jason also brings you some Mini Reviews of what he’s been watching lately, including an overview of The Sopranos TV series. Don’t forget to check out Considering the Cinema’s new Episode Archive!

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can call the new voicemail number at (801) 215-9704 or email Jason at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 018: Bad Boys for Life (2020), VHYes (2020), Best Picture Nominees Overview, and Video Store Nostalgia With Dr. Shock

Ep. 018 - Bad Boys for Life and VHYes

Bad boys! Bad boys! Whatcha gonna do? After a 17-year hiatus, we finally get the third (and presumably, the final) installment of the Will Smith / Martin Lawrence buddy cop action trilogy with Bad Boys for Life (2020). You have the right to remain silent and listen to Episode 018 of the Considering the Cinema podcast, featuring your host, Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”). During this show, Jay also reviews VHYes (2020). You will also get to hear another interview with Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker of DVD Jay and Dave talk about their nostalgic memories of the VHS video rental store days. Also, Jason brings you a great overview of the Best Picture nominees! One more thing: Considering the Cinema has a new Episode Archive! Check it out!

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can call the new voicemail number at (801) 215-9704 or email Jason at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 017: Underwater (2020), 1917 (2020) and Dave Becker’s 2,500 Movie Challenge Retrospective

Ep. 017 - Underwater and 1917

It’s the second weekend of 2020, and the theaters have some worthy offerings already! In Episode 017 of Considering the Cinema, your host, Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”) brings you a glowing review of 1917 (2020), as well as a less enthusiastic review of Underwater (2020). This episode also gives you Jay’s quick 2 cents on the 2020 Oscar nominations. You can also hear Jay’s mini reviews of The Lighthouse (2019) and Jojo Rabbit (2019). And the crowning jewel of this episode is Jason’s follow-up interview with Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker as he reflects on completing his 8-year feat, the 2,500 Movie Challenge at DVD Enjoy!

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can call the new voicemail number at (801) 215-9704 or email Jason at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

The 92nd Academy Award Nominees

2020 Oscars Nominations for 2019 Cinema

Early this morning the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced its nominees for the 92nd Academy Awards. The ceremony will be broadcast on Sunday, Feb. 9, 2020, on ABC.

Best Picture
Ford v Ferrari
Jojo Rabbit
Little Women
Marriage Story
Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
The Irishman Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 016: The Top 10 Movies of the 2010s Decade – All Genres

Ep. 016 - The Top 10 Movies of the 2010s Decade - All Genres

Welcome to the podcast episode that has been 10 years in the making… Top 10 Movies of the 2010s Decade – All Genres. In Episode 016 of Considering the Cinema, your host Jason Pyles welcomes his buddies from Movie Podcast Weekly, including the actor Karl Huddleston, the professional Geek Ryan Elliott of the Geek Cast Live Podcast, filmmaker William Rowan Jr. of Movie Moments Podcast and The Sci-Fi Podcast, and a Guy Named Andy. This will be Karl’s last official episode as a full-time podcaster. And for those listeners who are MPW fans, this episode is, in many ways, the Rosetta Stone of MPW podcasting, so it’s a must-listen!

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 015: The Grudge (2020)

Ep. 015 - The Grudge 2020

Let’s start discussing the weekly theater releases of 2020, shall we? During Episode 015 of Considering the Cinema, your host, Jason Pyles (aka “Jay of the Dead”) brings you a short solocast to cover the first movie weekend of 2020, including a review of Nicolas Pesce’s very disappointing Horror movie, The Grudge (2020). Jay also brings a couple of short Mini Reviews and talks about some of the highlights from the 77th Annual Golden Globe Awards and Will Ferrell’s upcoming, Americanized remake of a notable Swedish film from 2014 called “Force Majeure.” Check it out!

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can call the new voicemail number at (801) 215-9704 or email Jason at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 014: The Top 10 Horror Movies of the 2010s Decade

Ep. 014 - The Top 10 Horror Movies of the 2010s Decade

What are the Top 10 Horror Movies of the 2010s Decade? Your late-night Horror host, Jay of the Dead, has invited two Horror podcasting legends to help him bring you three lists that will give you the best of the best in Horror cinema from 2010 through 2019. In Episode 014 of Considering Horror Cinema, Jay welcomes The Southern Gentleman GregaMortis from Land of the Creeps horror podcast and the Ghost Hunter Ron Martin from The Resurrection of Zombie 7 horror podcast.

In addition to bringing you our Top 10 lists (which don’t have much overlap, by the way), we also bring you our Horror Honorable Mentions of the 2010s Decade, which would constitute 11 through 15 on our lists, as well as a reflection on the overall decade as we bring you The Best Thing That Happened to Horror in the 2010s and The Worst Thing That Happened to Horror in the 2010s.

This episode is dedicated to Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker.

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Continue reading

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 013: Jay of the Dead’s Top 10 Horror Movies of 2019

Ep. 013 - Jay of the Dead's Top 10 Horror Movies of 2019

Merry Christmas! After a long, four-month hiatus, your favorite late-night Horror host Jay of the Dead is back with a vengeance in Episode 013 of Considering Horror Cinema. During this epic episode, you will hear Jay of the Dead’s Top 10 Horror Movies of 2019 with help from special guest Lady Phantom of Horror Movie You will also hear Jay’s Horror Honorable Mentions of 2019, The Most Disturbing Movie Jay Saw in 2019, Horror Guilty Pleasure of 2019, 2019’s Pleasant Surprises / Better Than Expected, Most Overrated Horror Movies of 2019, Biggest Disappointment / Heartbreaks in 2019 Horror, Jay’s Personal Least Favorite Horror Movie of 2019, and a few of our Most Anticipated Horror Movies of 2020.

And releasing very soon in Episode 014: The Top 10 Horror Movies of the 2010s Decade with GregaMortis and Ron Martin. Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Continue reading

Considering the Cinema Ep. 012: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood … and Rochester

Ep. 012 - Mac and Cheese - Road to Queso 2019

Welcome to Episode 012 of Considering the Cinema. During this show, your host, Jason Pyles welcomes four different guests. Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker helps Jason review a new documentary called Mac and Cheese: Road to Queso (2019). Then Jason welcomes his old co-hosts from Movie Podcast Weekly (Andy, Karl and William) to help him review Quentin Tarantino’s newest film, Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood (2019). We discuss the recent loss of Rutger Hauer and provide a Mini Review of The Art of Self-Defense (2019). You’ll also hear listener feedback voicemails from Raul and The Gray Man, and this episode has three prize-giveaways. Join us!

Don’t forget to subscribe for free, so you don’t miss this year’s two upcoming “Best of the Decades” shows: Top 10 Horror Movies of the 2010s Decade — and — Top 10 Movies of the 2010s (all genre), slated for late December, early January releases, respectively. Both of these episodes will include panels of guest hosts who will join Jay to bring you the very best of the 2010s decade. These shows will be FREE and only available here through Considering the Cinema Podcast.

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can call the new voicemail number at (801) 215-9704 or email Jason at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 011: Horrors From the Past Resurface in the Present

Ep. 011 - A Debate With BillChete

Here’s an episode for Slasher fans… In Episode 011 of Considering Horror Cinema, your late-night Horror host, Jay of the Dead brings you a 10 out of 10-rated Horror movie, a modern Slasher from Hong Kong by Pang Ho-cheung, called Dream Home (2011). Buy it sight unseen, if you love Slashers and gore films. This episode also features a little bit of a scandal in which Jay reissues an excerpted interview from BillChete’s Horror on the Go, when BillChete interviewed Jay of the Dead during a 2015 debate about Horror Genre Classification. (Listen to the episode for more explanation, but in short, Jay is still trying to get in touch with BillChete to get him on this show and figured this might be a good way.) But to be clear, the content of the interview belongs entirely to BillChete and Horror on the Go.

Don’t forget to subscribe for free, so you don’t miss a special July 30 surprise release, as well as the Movie Podcast Weekly hosts appearing as guests on Considering the Cinema to review “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” with Jason. Also, you won’t want to miss this year’s two upcoming “Best of the Decades” shows: Top 10 Horror Movies of the 2010s Decade — and — Top 10 Movies of the 2010s (all genre), slated for late December, early January releases, respectively. Both of these episodes will include panels of guest hosts who will join Jay to bring you the very best of the 2010s decade. These shows will be FREE and only available here through Considering the Cinema Podcast.

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can call the new voicemail number at (801) 215-9704 or email Jay at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 010: Trapped Among Beasts Within — A Beastly Freaks Special

Ep. 010 - Burning Bright and Bait

Ready for a Beastly Freaks Special Episode? Hope so. For Episode 010 of Considering Horror Cinema, your late-night Horror host, Jay of the Dead, brings you reviews of Horror movies where victims are Trapped Among Beasts Within! First Jay reviews Alexandre Aja’s new, widespread, creature feature theater release, Crawl (2019), followed by thematically related reviews of Burning Bright (2010) and Bait (2012), as well as some killer croc / killer alligator mini reviews. Jay will also announce the winner of the free Blu-ray of Dead Silence (2007)!

Also, don’t forget to subscribe for free, so you don’t miss this year’s two upcoming “Best of the Decades” shows: Top 10 Horror Movies of the 2010s Decade — and — Top 10 Movies of the 2010s (all genre), slated for late December, early January releases, respectively. Both of these episodes will include panels of guest hosts who will join Jay to bring you the very best of the 2010s decade. These shows will be FREE and only available here through Considering the Cinema Podcast.

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can call the new voicemail number at (801) 215-9704 or email Jay at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 009: Child’s Play (2019), Annabelle Comes Home (2019) and an Interview With Ghost Hunter Ross Allison

Ep. 009 - Annabelle Comes Home 2019

Do you own any creepy dolls, or are you in the market for one? You had better listen to this episode of Considering Horror Cinema first… In Episode 009, your late-night Horror host, Jay of the Dead, brings you reviews of Child’s Play (2019) and Annabelle Comes Home (2019). You’ll also hear a great interview from paranormal researcher and ghost hunter Ross Allison. Jay responds to a listener voicemail from Andrew in West Virginia, and you can also find out how to qualify to win a free Blu-ray of Dead Silence (2007). Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting…

Also, don’t forget to subscribe for free, so you don’t miss this year’s two upcoming “Best of the Decades” shows: Top 10 Horror Movies of the 2010s Decade — and — Top 10 Movies of the 2010s (all genre), slated for late December, early January releases, respectively. Both of these episodes will include panels of guest hosts who will join Jay to bring you the very best of the 2010s decade. These shows will be FREE and only available here through Considering the Cinema Podcast.

Thanks for listening and Considering Horror Cinema! And don’t forget: You can call the new voicemail number at (801) 215-9704 or email Jay at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading

Considering Horror Cinema Ep. 008: The Decline to Vulnerability and the Descent Into Victimhood

Ep. 008 - When a Stranger Calls Back

This special edition of Considering Horror Cinema comes to you from Daytona Beach and Orlando, Florida! (That means this episode was recorded “in the field” while traveling, so please pardon the reduced audio quality.) During Episode 008, your late-night Horror host, Jay of the Dead, brings you a franchise review of When a Stranger Calls (1979) and its sequel, When a Stranger Calls Back (1993). You will also hear Jay’s theory that he calls The Decline to Vulnerability and the Descent Into Victimhood. And to illustrate this theory, Jay analyze’s the narrative of Wes Craven’s The Hills Have Eyes (1977). And Jay concludes this episode with a tribute to his inspiration for Horror podcasting. Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting…

Also, don’t forget to subscribe for free, so you don’t miss this year’s two upcoming “Best of the Decades” shows: Top 10 Horror Movies of the 2010s Decade — and — Top 10 Movies of the 2010s (all genre), slated for late December, early January releases, respectively. Both of these episodes will include panels of guest hosts who will join Jay to bring you the very best of the 2010s decade. These shows will be FREE and only available here through Considering the Cinema Podcast.

Thanks for listening and Considering Horror Cinema! And don’t forget: You can call the new voicemail number at (801) 215-9704 or email Jay at or post a comment in the show notes for this episode. Continue reading